Mrs. Kady's Fifth Grade Classroom

Room 7 Classroom Tour

Come into room 7 and see what all the buzz in fifth grade is about!
First things first, 'check in' at the attendance board to show that you are here
Here is the corner of the room where you can watch the morning announcements and turn in your work
This is my desk and the behavior bulletin board. Everytime the class does something good, I'll add a gumball to the machine. When it is full, we will have a reward for our hard work.
Every Friday we play Homeworkopoly. You can play if you have no missing work for the week.
I came across the idea for Homeworkopoly on the Internet.  Interested in using it your classroom?  Click here.

Each week a different student is featured on the Star of the Week board.
Many times we will meet at the back carpet for instruction. The Star of the Week gets to pick a friend to sit on the couch.
Our writing status of the class board and writing area.
This is our leveled classroom library. We love reading in room 7! I love to hear about new books and authors.
During Daily 5, students read at their book nook spot. Students are rotated to a new nook each day.
This is our Young Einsteins board where students can challenge themselves.
Young Einsteins:
This is another gem I stumbled across on the Internet.  Many teachers have the Young Einsteins challenges listed on the web, many of which are called "Mastery Club."  Thank you to Mrs. Renz who put the idea out there for all teachers to use.  I made a bulletin board for my classroom, so students didn't need to be on a computer to access them.  Below are the category posters if you would like to print them out to use in your classroom.  I have also included a sample certificate that students receive at the end of the year if they have completed any challenges.
whiz kids.doc
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whiz kids 2.doc
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Need to turn something in or have a note for Mrs. Kady? All papers go here.
This is our word collector board where we can add interesting vocabulary words that we come across in our reading.
This is our reading strategies CAFE board.
Here are the classroom 'Handy Helpers.' Also, extra handouts and privacy folders are kept here.
Our classroom suppy and information area
Up-close view of partner clock, idea from Mrs. Newingham
Partner Clock:
At the beginning of each report card marking, students are given a paper clock.  Students must get a different person for each time on the clock and keep it in their MUSTANG binder.  On the wall, I have a display that shows me and the class which partners we have worked with from our clock, that way I am not always picking the same time.  To make it I used velcro next to each clock number and velcro on the back of mini stars.  I'll put a star next to the time of the partner they worked with.  For example, I'll say "For this assignment, work with your 12 o'clock partner," and I'd move the velcro star to 12 and it would stay there until the clock is filled up.  The file below is the wall display clock that you can cut out and adhere to a piece of construction paper to make your own Partner Clock wall display.

parnter clock room display.doc
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Click here for a copy of what I use for the kids to keep in their MUSTANG binders.  I simply copy it on colored paper.
Our book bins are in the far corner. Thanks for visiting our room!